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Duneane Primary School

School Statements


Ethos Statement

Duneane Primary School is a friendly, welcoming school with strong Christian values at its core. Working in partnership with parents, Governors and the local community, we aspire to the development of pupils who are given the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We strive to give a voice to all stakeholders and to recognise the rights of ourselves and others.

Vision Statement

Our vision is to support the growth of the whole child and to encourage the development of the core values of respect, fairness, perseverance and resilience.

Mission Statement

As a school family, we work together to create a safe, secure and nurturing environment where all of the children in our care are empowered to achieve their full potential.


  1. To provide a broad and balanced curriculum which allows all pupils to achieve success and fulfil his or her potential.
  2. To have equality between children of differing gender, creed, culture, class or ability. Each child will gradually become aware of the variety of cultures and beliefs and learn to respect themselves and others.
  3. To help each child realise their potential by promoting the moral, intellectual, physical and social development of each child.
  4. To encourage in our pupils respect, perseverance and resilience to enable them to become responsible citizens and lifelong learners.
  5. To provide a welcoming, safe and stimulating environment where everyone is valued, listened to and respected.
  6. To maintain and promote a partnership with parents, staff, Governors and the local community in the education of our pupils